Table of Contents

Setup overview

The following steps will list the actions to setup your project just like the following project template.

Build system

  1. Create or copy the build system project.
  2. Setup the build context. Frequent properties to adjust:
    • Disable warnings as errors: context.WarningsAsErrors = false
    • .NET solution file (if not in src folder): context.DotNetContext.SolutionPath
    • .NET platform (if not Any CPU): context.DotNetContext.Platform
    • .NET test configuration (if not src/Tests.runsettings): context.DotNetContext.TestConfigPath
    • .NET code coverage goal: context.DotNetContext.CoverageTarget = 80
    • Define production and preview NuGet feeds for deployment: context.DotNetContext.PreviewNuGetFeed and context.DotNetContext.StableNuGetFeed (default is feed)
  3. Install the external tools or copy the .NET tools manifest: .config/dotnet-tools.json.
  4. Setup GitVersion via GitVersion.yml.
  5. Setup GitReleaseManager via GitReleaseManager.yml.
  6. Update .gitignore to ignore build outputs.

.NET projects

  1. Copy and adapt the file src/Directory.Build.props. It defines the information for the NuGet packages and SourceLink.
    1. Remove the redundant information from your .csproj.
    2. Include a README file for your public libraries / tools. In those .csproj, add <None Include="../../" Pack="true" PackagePath="$(PackageReadmeFile)" />
      • If you don't want a README, comment the line tha sets PackageReadmeFile in Directory.Build.props
    3. Include an icon for your public libraries / tools. In those .csproj add <None Include="../../docs/images/logo_128.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="$(PackageIcon)" Visible="false" />
      • If you don't define the icon, comment the line tha sets PackageIcon in Directory.Build.props
  2. Follow the format of src/Directory.Packages.props to migrate to centralized NuGet packages.
    • Add each of your dependencies as PackageVersion and remove the version in each of your .csproj.
    • You can override a version from a .csproj with the attribute VersionOverride.
  3. If you want code coverage:
    1. Add a dependency with coverlet.collector in your test projects.
    2. Create a file src/Tests.runsettings to configure what projects to include / exclude.
  4. Configure the projects to pack as NuGet by setting IsPackable to True in their .csproj.
  5. Configure the projects to publish in the build system program in BuildLifetime.Setup()


  1. Create or copy the DocFX documentation project.
    • Our template repository provides some adjustments over the modern template.
    • You can include the GitHub icon in the modern template via the main.js file.
    • Remember to update links in docfx.json and ToC files.
  2. If you create the project in other folder than docs/, configure the build context.

Continuous integration

  1. Copy and adapt the workflow in .github/workflows.
  2. Create secret variables with the NuGet tokens in the GitHub project settings
  3. Pass your variable's name in the inputs nuget_stable_token, nuget_preview_token or azure_nuget_token
  4. Review build.yml to remove / add OS platforms to run build and tests.
  5. Enable GitHub Pages in the repository settings
    1. Select GitHub Actions as the source.
    2. From Environments, select github-pages. Under Deployment branches and tags add a new rule to allow publishing docs from the tags v*.
    3. Enable write permissions to publish GitHub Pages. From Actions, "General", go to "Workflow permissions" and ensure it's set to "Read and write permissions".

Collaboration files

  1. Create project information files:
    2. LICENSE
  2. Create community guidelines:
    1. explain how to create issues and pull requests.
    2. GitHub can help to create it.
  3. Create IDE support files:
    1. .editorconfig and .prettierrc.yaml: code styles and code warnings.
    2. .vscode/: VS Code support to build, run and debug the project.
  4. Create templates for GitHub issues / PR:
    1. .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/: templates to create GitHub feature requests and bug reports.
    2. .github/ Pull Request template.